What we do

We create custom web based business software.

Why choose us

Years of experience and a proven track record.

Affordable pricing

We offer fair prices with flexible payment terms.

Simple and easy

We provide solutions that makes your life simple and easy.

Why do we get out of bed in the morning and go to work? Because we want to make a positive impact on our society. inelion was created to help organizations operate more efficiently and effectively using software technology.

To help organizations help people by improving operational effectiveness and reducing costs using software technology.

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Our values


Integrity is keeping one's word and our word is our bond. While contractual agreements may be a necessary formality, honoring our promises to you means far more to us.


We may not always be the best solution provider for you. If we think another would be a better fit for your organization we will let you know.


We measure our success by how effective our software is at solving your problem. If it doesn’t do this we have failed and we have yet to fail.


Contact Us

Please send us a message and we will get back to you shortly.

Copyright 2021 inelion LLC